AstrHori 50mm f/1.4 Tilt Lens – Dreamy Portraits in Corsica

Sony has just come out with a new 50mm GM lens, and this time we get a baby brother of the existing 50GM f lens – the 50mm f GM. First of all, regarding its build, we have yet another…
Here are some of my test shots from new Sigma 50mm f DG DN. The model that I used was a pre-production model without a final firmware, so I can only judge the overall look of the image. I hope…
Sony 20-70mm f/4 G is the first new lens from Sony in 2023. It’s a G series lens, meaning a compact design and f/4 aperture. The lens is said to be following the new trends in shooting style in both…
Hello everyone! Here are my images from my recent trip to Tokyo shot with Sony A7RV and Sirui Anamorphic Lens – 35mm T This lens actually fully amazed me, giving a 35mm look of the image with the view angle…
Here are my samples from TTartisan 50mm f tilt lens and a video review of the lens. I used it open wide all the time, so the f aperture is 1.4 resulting very shallow depth of field. The lens itself…
Comparison photos shot on A7RIV All photos edited with Magicadabra Presets:
Bokeh panoramas from A7RIII with Sony 50 GM Model: my wife <3 @zuziasu All photos edited with Magicadabra Presets:
CASE 1 – 3 photos shot with Leica M10R + Summilux 50, Sony A7RIII + Summilux 50 on adapter and Sony A7RIII + 50GM (order is random on each photo). Shot on tripod. Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo…