TTartisan 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh lens review

Sony A7C II and A7C R Review and Comparison
This is my real world Sony A7C II and A7C R review – compact full frame cameras with bleeding edge sony tech.

Panoramic Street Photography in New York using Anamorphic Lens
Hello there, fellow photography enthusiasts! Magic at your service! Ever caught yourself daydreaming about capturing the vibrant streets of New York in sweeping panoramas? I certainly did. However, here’s the kicker: I don’t own the revered x-pan, and well, let’s face it, I’m all about the digital wizardry. But don’t fret! Last year, I stumbled…

AstrHori 50mm f/1.4 Tilt Lens – Dreamy Portraits in Corsica

Sony 50mm f/1.4 GM vs Sony 50mm f/1.2 GM
This is real life comparison between Sony 50mm f/1.2 GM and 50mm f/1.4 GM lenses. It contains side by side image comparison and samples from a wedding photography photoshoot in Madeira

Sony 50mm f/1.4 GM review – wedding photography test
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCHwRRajS3k Sony has just come out with a new 50mm GM lens, and this time we get a baby brother of the existing 50GM f/1.2 lens – the 50mm f/1.4 GM. First of all, regarding its build, we have yet another GM refreshment of the existing Zeiss Planar 50mm f/1.4, making it noticeably smaller and…