Panoramic Street Photography in New York using Anamorphic Lens

Hello there, fellow photography enthusiasts! Magic at your service! Ever caught yourself daydreaming about capturing the vibrant streets of New York in sweeping panoramas? I certainly did. However, here’s the kicker: I don’t own the revered x-pan, and well, let’s face it, I’m all about the digital wizardry. But don’t fret! Last year, I stumbled upon an ingenious solution that tickled my creative fancy: using an anamorphic lens as my very own digital x-pan. Tokyo was my testing ground, and the results? Let’s just say, I was hooked. You can check out the magic right HERE. Now, with the rhythm of the city in my veins, there was no doubt about which lenses were making the trip to NYC this year.

Equipment I used – Sony A7RV and Sirui Anamorphic 35mm T/2.9.

All photos edited with MAGICADABRA PRESET